Archive for the Anti-Canada Day Category

Anti-Canada Day in Vancouver

Posted in Anti-Canada Day, Coast Salish Territory on July 4, 2007 by wiinimkiikaa


On July 1st 2007, over 200 Indigenous women, children, Elders and men (and non-native supporters) took the streets and the train tracks on a march and blockade to mark their resistance to Canada as an oppressive force against their people. The march began at Grandview Park and proceeded down Commercial Drive to Venables Street where the CN rail lines were occupied and blocked for over an hour.

During the blockade a Canadian flag was burned on the tracks by an Indigenous person, and several other Canadian souvenir flags that had been painted with the words “No Justice on Stolen Native Land” were burned by about 40 Indigenous people at the action.

The group stayed strong throughout the blockade in a show of force to let the Canadian government know that Indigenous people will not take state oppression any longer.

The march returned to Grandview park, again blocking traffic on the roads and intersections. The police presence was small, consisting of mostly bicycle units, and efforts to direct traffic were non-existent for at least an hour.

Actions of this nature will continue to happen, not only at every Anti-Canada Day but also at other events in the true spirit of Indigenous resistance!

U-Tube Video on its way!

photos of Anti-Canada Day in vancouver:

photos of Anti-Canada Day in montreal:

more photos & reports of continental actions:

other links:








Anti-Canada Day Photos at


3° Anti-Canada days

Autore : billy,

Si è tenuto il primo luglio nei territori dei Coast Salish (oggi Vancouver) la 3° giornata indigena contro il Cananda. Diverse manifestazioni, blocchi e d azioni portate avanti da indigeni si sono registrate in tutta la nazione nordamericana al motto “INDIGENOUS ANTI-CANADA DAY – INDIGENOUS DAY OF ACTION AND RESISTANCE “

Oltre 200 uomini, donne bambini ed anziani indigeni più diversi supporters non nativi, hanno preso parte alla manifestazione principale prevista a Vancouver per il 3° Anti-Canada day. I manifestanti sono scesi in strada ed hanno manifestato fino alla stazione, lì hanno occupato i binari per 4 ore per attirare l’attenzione sulla loro quotidiana lotta di resistenza al Canada in quanto forza oppressiva contro la loro gente. Nonostante qualche momento di leggera tensione le persone sono rimaste unite mostrando al governo canadese come la popolazione indigena non accetterà ancora per molto lo stato d’oppressione a cui sono costretti.

Al termine dell’occupazione dei binari i manifestanti sono tornati in centro bloccando strade e traffico.

Azioni e manifestazioni sono state annunciate per tutto l’arco della settimana.

Anti-Canada Day Ends Late in Guelph

Posted in Anti-Canada Day on July 4, 2007 by wiinimkiikaa

Anti-Canada Day Ends Late in Guelph

[Contributed anonymously to]

Yesterday evening, July 2nd, the Monday of this year’s Canada Day Long Weekend, the [Canadian National Railway] tracks east of Guelph, Ontario, running to Brampton and carrying on to Toronto, were blocked and burned with a tire fire lit at a safe distance from houses and forest. The blockage was alerted to CN through the use of wiring the tracks.

This was an action performed to cause economic harm to CN rail and add to the fight for native freedom and autonomy, which we also ultimately see as a step toward greater freedom and autonomy to all peoples, natives and settlers alike.

This day was chosen for the action because we see it as bizarre that people can be celebrating Canada as a nation (although there’s nothing wrong with a good party) while it was founded upon a brutal and shameful colonization which is still actively being carried out, and Canada’s legitimacy as a nation is clearly contested.

We also chose the day because of the call out made for actions throughout Canada day, and in order to expand the National Day of Action from just June 29th and explore tactics that exceed the law.

Let’s have a toast to CN rail.

Anti-Canada Day Demo in Montreal

Posted in Anti-Canada Day, Six Nations Confederacy on July 4, 2007 by wiinimkiikaa

Anti-Canada Day Demo in Montreal

MONTREAL, July 1, 2007 — About 75 demonstrators gathered in the main hall of the Central Train Station in Montreal in an “Anti-Canada Day”
protest against CN Rail.

Demonstrators highlighted their opposition to CN’s current lawsuit against three Mohawk activists at Tyendinaga, and expressed their support for indigenous sovereignty and self-determination.

-> The text of the FLYER that was passed out in the hundreds to passers-by is below and linked at:

A large banner reading: “When Justice Fails, Block the Rails!; Quand CN attaque on bloque la track!; Solidarity with native resistance” was raised with over one-hundred red and white helium balloons in the main hall of the station. Another banner reading: “CN: Drop your racist lawsuit” was also unfurled.

-> PHOTOS from the protest are linked at:

Several members of the Kahnawake Mohawk community, south of Montreal, attended and spoke at the picket, as well as a member Inter-tribal Youth Council, a speaker from Six Nations, and a special guest from the Skwelkwek’welt Protection Center in British Columbia.

The Canada Day demo follows from actions on Mohawk territories near Montreal on June 29. In the early morning, Highway 30, and then highway 138, was blocked. Later in the day, the Mercier Bridge between Montreal and the South Shore was shut down for a period of time. In Kahnesatake, it was reported that the main road from Oka to the
reserve was blocked for most of the day.

The July 1st Anti-Canada Day demo was also part of local mobilizations against the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) — a NAFTA plus Homeland Security model for Canada, the USA and Mexico. CN Rail’s CEO is part of the North American Competitiveness Council, a group of CEOs that “advises” the SPP leaders. Those leaders — George Bush, Stephen Harper and Felipe Calderon — are meeting just 90 minutes from Montreal at the Chateau Montebello this August 20 and 21.

The July 1st Anti-Canada Day picket was organized and supported by: Block the Empire-Montreal, Indigenous Peoples Solidarity Movement, Liberterre, No One Is Illegal-Montreal, Pointe Libertaire, Solidarity Across Borders, Tadamon! Montreal, and others.


Anti-Canada Day Starts Early in Guelph, Ontario

Posted in Anti-Canada Day on July 4, 2007 by wiinimkiikaa

Anti-Canada Day Starts Early in Guelph, Ontario

[Contributed anonymously to]

Tonight we hit the office of M.P Brenda Chamberlain. The locks were glued on the office door and an anarcho-indigenismo symbol was left in the vicinity. We chose Brenda to harass tonight because she is a political embodiment of the terror and degradation faced by many of us that have to live under a capitalist apathetic democracy.

It’s the status quo that allows developers to transform Indigenous land into suburban wastelands, and the poor and ethnicity exploited peoples of this country get screwed over every time. While communities are pushed into bureaucratic processes to settle their land claims, on a continent they inhabited long before this deformation of a country called Canada moved in, capitalist business’ are and have been jumping for joy with every deal they have sealed in the graveyards we call cities and the wastelands we called forests. Replacing an existence abundant with possibility and desire with the meek scarcity of a global capitalist monoculture.

So tonight we fight back! We hit the office of a political tyrant, who somehow got re-elected after publicly wanting to resign, refused to run a campaign or take part in the electoral debates and was still voted into power. It is no wonder that we are fed up with this process and seek methods that go beyond the ballots and disempowerment inherent to these politics.

Our message to you Brenda is give back all the land you stole, and are about to steal from exploited peoples and RUN in the next election, RUN AWAY!

Happy Birthday Canada!